events calendar

Check out some of the upcoming recreational events where you can relax or one of our government events where you can participate in shaping our community.


events calendar

Check out some of the upcoming recreational events where you can relax or one of our government events where you can participate in shaping our community.

confirmed event information

upcoming events

There are currently no events scheduled for this month. Check back again as we update this information regularly.
There are currently no events scheduled for this month. Check back again as we update this information regularly.
There are currently no events scheduled for this month. Check back again as we update this information regularly.
There are currently no events scheduled for this month. Check back again as we update this information regularly.
There are currently no events scheduled for this month. Check back again as we update this information regularly.
There are currently no events scheduled for this month. Check back again as we update this information regularly.
There are currently no events scheduled for this month. Check back again as we update this information regularly.
There are currently no events scheduled for this month. Check back again as we update this information regularly.

check out the latest

event news


Thorp's New Website

Discover all that you can do online at the City of Thorp's new website.

September 24, 2021

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